Tag: kong

Enhancing Istio Operations with Kong Istio Gateway

Feb 12, 2022 · 12 min read

If you’re a developer for a service-oriented application, routing requests between services can be overwhelming. This work may force you to focus on operational details that take you away from building great features for your customers. Fortunately, with Kong Istio Gateway, we can solve many inter-service networking concerns such as security, resiliency, observability, and traffic control with services-first networking policies. By offloading network-related problems to the service mesh, you can focus on building features that deliver business value.


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Minimizing Microservices Complexity with Reusable APIs

Sep 27, 2021 · 17 min read

Developers build modern enterprise applications on the orchestration of a complex network of microservices. Over time, as the number of applications and microservices increases, the complexity of the orchestration increases as well. Complexity in typical microservices architecture Reusable APIs address the problem of complexity by allowing multiple applications to rely on a few independent microservices that expose the data and functions of their domain. Why Should We Build Reusable APIs?


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